Sunday, 1 September 2013

International Youth council Abuja Chapter is now a formally established chapter.

It was on Saturday 31st August 2013, with a membership base of 13 that the IYC Abuja chapter was established. Aside its establishment, elections were held and Nwachukwu Lucky Kelechukwu emerged as the Chairperson and Enoch Danbaba as the Project Director and assited by Mamza Papka Peter, Aboki Kanadi Ali is the IT Director, Emmanuel Kanu as the secretary, Rosemary Andrew is the Finiancial Director, Esu Raphael is the PRO.
  IYC Abuja is ready to take the lead in the transformation of Nigerian youths.


  1. To whom it may concern, you need to be part of this ground breaking youth institution as we strategise towards taking our future into our hands...Let's make it happen

  2. How do we know whats happening, any website?

  3. can contact us via
